Ever Had To Use The Yellow Oxygen Mask?

oxygen maskI’ve flown many times but I’ve never had to use the little yellow oxygen mask that is supposed to drop down in case the cabin pressure changes. At the beginning of every flight they tell you how to use the mask. They also inform you if you have small children, put your mask on first, and then help the young ones.

What a great lesson that is about life. Take care of yourself so that you can help someone else. And that begs the question, are we improving ourselves, or are we complacent about where we are in life? I was once talking to a young man about personal development and he told me he didn’t need any of that; he was just fine.

I don’t know about you, but it seems the older I get, the less I know and the more I want to learn, grow and improve myself. I know the more I learn, grow and improve the more I can offer to others. There are people in all of our lives that we impact, either positively or negatively.

Next week we begin another brand new year. I know it’s just a date on a calendar, but itjan 2014 does lend itself to a fresh start, doesn’t it? We can put 2013 behind us, and embrace 2014 with great expectations. However, expectations are nice, but will there be any real changes in this coming year for you and for me?

Use Your Mask First

Just like the flight attendant’s instructions, a great key to see circumstances change for the better in your life is to focus on you. Some people really want their lives to change but are not willing to change themselves. The truth is, when you change yourself for the better, things in your life get better.

Isn’t that exactly how it happens on the negative side of life? A person associates with people and things contrary to what he knows is right and good, and before long his thinking begins to change. The end result is a change in circumstances, but for the worse.


In the new year ahead, for both you and for me, it’s up to us individually to decide what we will do, intentionally and consistently, to improve ourselves. What will we choose to expose ourselves to that will have an impact on our thinking? What deliberate steps will we take in order to see growth and change in our lives?

Bible - 3Personally, I get very inspired and encouraged reading and studying the Bible. Even after being a student of the Scriptures for nearly forty years, I am still learning and growing. In addition, I also learn and get inspired and encouraged by reading or listening to material that is positive and contains biblical principles. Truth is truth whether a verse is quoted or not. I have some specific books and other materials planned for this coming year.


On the other hand, what should we avoid this coming year? How much negative news do I plan to listen to? Actually, it’s not really new is it? The names and places may be different, but isn’t it just the same old negative stuff that certainly doesn’t inspire anyone? I would much rather watch an inspiring movie based on a true story, even if I’ve seen it a number of times already, like Seabiscuit, to name one.

What about the people we are around? I love people and try to do whatever I can to help anyone. The Bible does direct me to love, but it does not direct me to agree, condone and participate in behavior that’s wrong. It also warns that having a close association with those who do that which is not right will corrupt me. So, in this coming year, to the best of my ability, I will love all people, but I won’t have a close personal relationship with everyone.

Why Some Do Not Change

Like the young man I talked to not so long ago, there are some who see no need to invest in any kind of self improvement. Maybe they are afraid to admit it. Maybe they have such low self esteem they don’t think they can. Maybe they really just don’t care.

There are some who are afraid or too proud to admit they need to grow and expand their lives. They think dismissing the need to improve themselves indicates to others they are in a great place; they have reached the pinnacle. I’ve met people like that and all I can do is pray that one day they get honest with themselves.

There are others who have such low self esteem they don’t even attempt to improveWoman with Headache themselves; they just can’t see themselves rising above their current circumstances. But God calls the born again ones “super conquerors” and He promises to direct our steps and give us the desires of our hearts! Now that’s enough right there to raise the bar of self esteem and potential a little bit, isn’t it?

And there are some who just don’t care and wouldn’t give personal growth a second thought. I am willing to bet they have friends in the same boat; they don’t want to grow and improve and will help to see to it that their friends don’t either. Anyone who breaks out of that prison, and does something with their life, can really be an inspiration and help for others to do the same.

What Are We Going To Do?

little girl road

But regardless of what “they” do, or what you do, I need to figure out what I am going to do in this coming year, and so do you. The decisions we make and the actions we take will make a difference in our lives, one way or the other. That’s why no decisions and no actions really are decisions and actions, and they will reap results.

So, why not take some time to get ready for next Wednesday, the beginning of 2014. What are you going to do for you, in this upcoming year? Why not reach out and grab that oxygen mask and expect this New Year to be the greatest year of your life thus far!

Mike Verdicchio

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